Ideas of young employees of a chain of cafes and restaurants of Vladivostok

  • Черемискина Ирина Игоревна

    I. I. Cheremiskina. Vladivostok State University of Economics and Service. Vladivostok. Russia


The problem of staff turnover is universal for enterprises of different types; this indicator acquires a special scale in public catering enterprises, which entails serious economic costs for the search, selection, recruitment and training of personnel. Particular difficulties in solving this problem are associated with the fact that ordinary employees of such enterprises are mainly young people, students who do not associate their professional future with this work. The search for psychological reasons for the turnover of employees of public catering enterprises does not lose its relevance due to the prevalence of the problem. This article presents the results of a study of employees of a particular café
chains and restaurants in Vladivostok, based on the assumption that the low attractiveness of their work for them is due to the discrepancy between subjective ideas about "ideal work" and "real work". The methods of direct association and psychodiagnostic were used as a methodological tool. As a result, it is shown that the employees who took part in the study are not satisfied with the opportunities for career and professional growth, relationships with management and clients, and labor organization. On the basis of the data obtained, recommendations were given to the management staff of this network of cafes and restaurants, although, due to the similarity of problems, they can
be used at other public catering enterprises, which determines the practical significance of the work. The scientific novelty of the work lies in the proof of the connection between the satisfaction with the work of employees and the divergence of their ideas about "ideal" and "real" work. This fact can be used in the process of providing psychological assistance to people when planning ways of professionalization and individual career at different stages of professional development.

Keywords: cafe and restaurant workers, young employees, staff turnover, ideas about ideal work, ideas about real work, job satisfaction.